1902 Bathing Corset

Sewing patterns available here Hello everyone and welcome to another post.Today I'm sharing my latest pattern which is a bathing corset dated 1902. This corset is a must have for those ladies who want more support while wearing a bathing suit. It's not a mandatory as others undergarments may be, but it's however useful while … Leggi tutto 1902 Bathing Corset

1895-1905ish Undergarments – A guide to the perfect fit

This guide covers the time span of my most frequently made sewing patterns: 1895 - 1905 circa. Down below you'll find the necessary undergarments to use along with my patterns. Read carefully each chapter, since some udergarments may or may not be necessary for the years you're working on. Please, note that skipping one undergarment … Leggi tutto 1895-1905ish Undergarments – A guide to the perfect fit