About Me

My name is Laura and I live in Italy.
I’m a seamstress and costume designer.

My first approach with costumes was with cosplay. I was 16.

My first one was a cross-play: Ezio Auditore from Assassin’s Creed II.
The dress looked awful on me since I made male patterns which didn’t fit my body. But I was so satisfied I never stopped sewing!

I attended cons and historical events during the years, but they never satisfied me completely. However one big pros was the experience I did: I learnt how to do costumes and how to mix different elements.

I needed money for University and I opened a shop.

When I was 22 I opened an Etsy shop to make some money and I started making cosplay on commission until I was 25. It was my first approach to the business world and it taught me a lot about clients’s needs and how to run a shop.

After my graduation I had an burn-out and I needed to stop for few years.

I tried the Fantasy wave.

Since I was recovering I still wanted to make costumes. I was inspired by some talented women on Instagram and I feel the urge to make costumes with no rules.
I left the cosplay world behind me and I dived into the fantasy one.
And…It was a disaster.
I didn’t feel satisfied and I wasn’t happy of my skills and what I was doing. I knew that something was wrong and I decided to change again, for the better.

What I’m doing now.

After recovering from my burn out I started attending events again and doing what I love: historical reproduction.

I do digital sewing patterns along with tutorial for those who may need some little help in the construction. I don’t do commission anymore since it takes too much time and effort, which I prefer to spend into new garments and sewing patterns.

Right now I have a good collection of antique umbrellas and a studio full of wonderful dresses.

For inquires and collaboration please send me an email here: