1902 Christmas Underskirt

Sewing patterns available here

Hello everyone!
This sewing patterns are already released but I totally forgot to write a blog post about it, so here I am to fix the problem!
Since August my energies are extremely low: I’m slowly recovering from the past year which was full of exciting but exhausting things. This is why you won’t see me wearing stuff for a while!

Back in December, before Christmas time, I uploaded a pattern for an underskirt, which originally was a skirt:

This Underskirt is an alteration of an Edwardian skirt dated 1902 which I turned into an underskirt since I needed more support to my actual skirts. If you’re going to buy the patterns (lauranicolin.etsy.com), you can easily transform it into an actual skirt since I attached a placket and a waistband.

This underskirt has several rows of gathered fabric and a very nice motif made with strips of bias tape. A lot of fabric was involved, this is why in my version (which is a little bit different from the original which also follow the patterns) the flounces are shorter and are no. 5 instead of 4, as the original plate suggested.

As always I had little to no information about materials, patterns and so on. This is why I had to draft it from zero and it took a while to fix some fitting issues and find the right amount of fabric to make the flounces. The colors are also different from the fashion plate, but I can’t tell what colors where since the plate was in b/w.

Hope you liked this post and see you in the next one!

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